Equipping Orphans with Skills...
Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 4:40PM
Andy Lehman (andy@lifesongfororphans.org) in Advocate, Lifesong, Orphan Care, Ukraine
How would you survive?  If you were abandoned or orphaned in an orphanage in Ukraine...how do you defy the odds of getting sucked back into the cycle of hopelessness?  Orphans creating orphans, etc.  


Who will teach you a skill that you can use to break the cycle.  A skill that you can earn a living from - other than stealing? or selling your body? or just getting high to numb the pain?


One way is for nurturing and caring Christians, whom Lifesong calls "Constant Christian Presence" mentors, to come along side of children and begin to equip them with life skills/job skills.


Blacksmith class where boys can be taught a strong work ethic, and valuable metalworking skills


Computer, Math & English skills


Lifesong for Orphans believes in going deep in relationships with the orphans we serve, and this is one way Lifesong lives out its pledge for "Our Children" 


Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (http://lifesong.squarespace.com/).
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