One less orphan...
Thursday, October 9, 2008 at 11:19AM
Andy Lehman ( in Adoption, Grants & Loans, Lifesong

Jerry & Christy's experience that moved them to adopt... 

Those eyes….that day in Santa Cruz, Bolivia… when this little girl came running after us.  I turned to look at her and her eyes caught me - I had to try to look away...



It was in her eyes that I saw tremendous hopelessness…In those eyes I saw the abuses she has undergone…It was in her eyes that I saw how much the Father loves this little girl who has nothing.



This little girl is but a pawn to help make money for her boss.  But this little girl is also "one of the least" of whom Jesus loves so much.  In the midst of an encounter with her I was undone - and still am.  The image of her grabbing Christy's hand and pulling at my shirt is a hard one to shake. 



So, here I walk through my days, finding it hard to shake the image of that little girl.  My prayer is actually that I never lose sight of her.  As I hold her in sight I am constantly reminded that she is who Jesus would have hung out with.  She is one who would have been open to hearing the good news He had to share with down and outers. 



 …we see that ours is a world full of injustices.  Despite our frustrations, we can't right them all.  But we can start with a single step towards righting one. 



Those eyes...left us undone.  I'm thankful.  May we never pull it together.  May we never get back to our "right minds".  And may you be blessed with an experience that leaves you questioning, spinning, willing to step out and risk...undone
 Undone by one little girl's eyes and the prospect of another's [Hannah],

 Jerry & Christy - excerpted from One Less Orphan blog

After this moving experience, Jerry and Christy determined to be "doers of the Word" and began the adoption process. Lifesong for Orphans had the privilege of giving an Adoption Grant / Loan to help remove the financial barriers, so Hannah can be loved by a committed Christian family...and ultimately be adopted into God's eternal family through Christ!

Hannah came home September, 2008.



Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
See website for complete article licensing information.