Chalwe & the children | Zambia
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 8:30AM
Andy Lehman ( in Advocate, Church Orphan Ministry, Orphan Care, Poverty, Zambia

A little glimpse into the Lifesong for Orphans School in Zambia...(written by Lifesong missionary Dru Smith currently living in Zambia)

We began our new school year on January 3 with 175 children enrolled; this is an increase of 30 percent over last year, and we turned many away. This year we have expanded to include a third grade. We’ve added two new teachers, both of whom are recently retired from the government school system and bring vast experience and the needed maturity to complement our staff. We’ve also hired a teacher’s aide, a part-time art teacher and another maintenance worker.

One thing that stood out as I was introduced to the new children was the frequency of an orange tinge in their hair, one of the signs of malnutrition. I am curious to see if this goes away after a few months in our feeding program.

They are also desperately in need of love and affection; they quickly responded to my hugs and now eagerly run in anticipation of that closeness and loving touch that so many of them do not receive at home. We’ve been plagued with a few serious cases of a strange body rash and malaria with high fevers; we took the children to the clinic and all are doing fine now. Another phenomenon has been the rash of complaints of stomach pains and headaches on Monday mornings. We discovered the cause—the children have not eaten in over 24 hours or more. 

One little boy, Chalwe, had what we believe was some kind of bug bite on his foot. The family took him to the government clinic and were given a powder to mix with water to clean it. Of course, the water they used was dirty as was the rag they tied around his foot. By the time he came to us, it had grown to the diameter of a nickel and was filled with infection down to the bone. He was taken to the private clinic where he was put on a course of antibiotics and daily dressing changes. By the second day he was running and playing soccer with his friends. Here’s a picture of a happy Chalwe! 


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Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
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