Haggai | God has remembered Him...
Friday, September 18, 2009 at 10:13AM
Andy Lehman (andy@lifesongfororphans.org) in Africa, Indigenous, Lifesong for Orphans, Lifesong for Orphans, Orphan Care, Zambia, africa, orphans, school, vulnerable children

On our recent Zambia Vision Trip we met a young man named Haggai, who is abou 13 yrs old but only in the 3rd grade because he hadn't attended school much at all, until he came to the Lifesong School.

Watch his story...to see how God is turning broken-ness into beauty...!


Haggai from Lifesong on Vimeo.



Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (http://lifesong.squarespace.com/).
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