Lifesong India Update
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 11:11AM
Christi Ucherek ( in Church Orphan Ministry, India, Lifesong for Orphans, Orphan Care, lifesong for orphans; orphan care; church orphan care; india

Lifesong India Advocates,


Please enjoy this update from Lifesong India Liaison, Bill Perkins:

"I had a great time in India last July at Jyothia Nivas, the boarding school/orphanage in Narsapur.
Fourteen computers were set up in a new computer lab and once they were running we successfully installed Rosetta Stone (RS) which will enable the students to learn English.
Rajkumar, who runs the computers and oversees the language lab, educated the students on how to use a computer. Currently 56 students are using RS and progressing quickly though the first three levels.
Our children are doing very well in school. They attend an large public school that is within a few blocks from the home. The school's head master, Samuel, and most of the teachers, are devoted Christians, even though it's a government school.  Samuel told me, "We do everything for the glory of God. 
Our students are all highly motivated and disciplined and every one of them passed their government tests.  This is a tribute, not only to the kids, but to the staff who provide them with such a safe and healthy environment.


I also saw the rebuilding of the toilet/bath stalls at Jyothia Nivas. This insures the safety and hygiene of the children.


Thank you for your continued prayer and support.  Together we're making a difference in the lives of orphans!"

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
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