Exceeding Abundantly Above...
Friday, July 23, 2010 at 1:57PM
Leah (leah@lifesongfororphans.org) in Adoption, Family, Grants & Loans, Lifesong, Lifesong, Lifesong for Oprhans, Lifesong for Orphans, Orphans, adoption, adoption assistance, domestic

We had the joy of partnering with Jeremy and Kristi this spring in their domestic adoption of little Adilynn Grey. 






"As the Apostle Paul said, our God 'is able to do exceeding abundantly above' anything we can ask or even imagine!  The miracle of adoption and our precious baby girl have been examples of this in our lives."           -Jeremy & Kristi 




Thanks Jeremy & Kristi for sharing your story with us.  It's an honor to able to walk part of this journey with you.  Praying that God continues to work in your family 'exceeding abundantly above' all that you can expect, imagine or hope for.

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (http://lifesong.squarespace.com/).
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