Amazed by these huge hearts...
Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 8:00AM
Christi Ucherek ( in Africa, Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Events, advocate, church orphan ministry, fundraising, orphan care

As Gary and I drove up to Jude and Harper Thompson’s beautiful home, we were immediately impressed by the number of international children attending this fund raising event.  It was a heavenly sight to see adopted children from China, Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Korea (and others) running hand in hand with their American siblings and friends. 

This fund raiser, put on by the CEO of Papa John’s, was planned with children in mind. They offered pony rides, donkey-pulled cart rides, an inflatable obstacle course, a petting zoo, cow milking,  face painting, cotton candy, snow cones, candy, and all the Papa John’s Pizza you could eat.  

We enjoyed meeting several families who had raised funds through Lifesong’s adoption grant and loan program.   We loved hearing their stories and were amazed by the huge hearts of these adoptive parents.  When they found out we were with Lifesong for Orphans, they thanked us over and over for the work we do.  Many said that they could not have adopted if it were not for the fund raising opportunity they had through Lifesong.  But, of course, they are the real heroes and Gary and I are privileged to be part of their adoption journeys." --Marla Ringger, Orphan Advocate





Thank you, Jude and Harper, for hosting this fabulous fundraising event! We are so grateful for your advocacy, your friendship, and the passion God has given you to care for the fatherless! May He continue to bless the work of your hands!

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
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