Six years ago I had the opportunity to go to Ukraine with Lifesong and put on a Vacation Bible School program for kids at Loubetin Orphanage. It was my second year to Ukraine and this country.... these children... definitely held a piece of my heart that I would never get back... nor to did I want to.
This particular year I developed a special relationship with one 14 year old girl, named Sveta. We would spend hours hitting a volleyball back and forth or holding hands as we sang with the group. When I left we cried and hugged and through a translator said our goodbyes. She told me not to forget her. I told her I never would. I prayed with her that hot afternoon in Ukraine. I prayed that she would draw near to Christ and grow in Him as she matured into adulthood.
Every year I went back I would see my "little sister" Sveta. Every year I was able to watch my prayers come true. Praise the Lord!
This month, at 21, Sveta was married. Her husband, Ura, comes from a family in the church. He loves Sveta, but even more, He loves God.
It has been such an honor, to watch this young girl grow into a Godly woman. And now, when I think of the statistics... when I think how her life could have turned out... I just have to praise the Lord!
Congratulations, Sveta! I love you and am so proud of the woman you've become!