Touchdown for Orphans!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 8:34AM
Leslie ( in Advocate, Africa, Ethiopia, Events, Giving, Lifesong, Lifesong Ethiopia, Lifesong for Orphans, Lifesong for Orphans, Orphan Care, Orphans, africa, orphan care, orphans

What are your plans for the Super Bowl?

Maybe throw a party?

Eat a lot of party food?

Or maybe you just want to pout that your team didn't make it? (oh, Bears...)

How about turning the Super Bowl into an opportunity to serve orphans in Ethiopia?

Orphan advocate, Aaron Klein, is leading a team to raise money so the Lifesong School in Adami Tulu can build a new school building.  In order to do help reach their goal, they are hosting a National Super Bowl Party!

Here’s how it works.

This is such a cool idea!  If you want to know more, you can check out Aaron's blog here!  

Here's a look at some of the lives that will forever be affected by this project:

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
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