What do the great states of Washington, California, Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Maine have in common? Many things I'm sure, but one thing is they all have several churches who partner with Lifesong for Orphans to care for orphans and adoptive families. In fact, those 7 States are joined by church fund partners in 25 other states (combined 32 states) in which 166 churches partner with Lifesong for Orphans. Each Orphan Care / Adoption Ministry is led by wonderful, servant-hearted Christ-followers who are working hard and sacrificially to be the hands and feet of God’s heart for the orphan.
2011 has been a ‘record’ year for Lifesong in many ways and we praise the Lord for the opportunity He has given us to partner with special people in making an eternal difference in the lives of so many voiceless children. We have truly seen Proverbs 68:5-6 in action this year!
'Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.'
-Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong for Orphans, Program Director
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What's all this talk about Lifesong Church Funds? Check out this video to learn more!