Let me introduce Natasha.
Natasha works as a psychologist for Lifesong Ukraine, mainly through our program at Loubetin, but she has also spent some time at Sakhnovsheena orphanage. Last night, we sat in the home of Alexi and Oksana (the CCP couple at Sakh, along with the couple, Vitalik and Luda) and I had the chance to ask her a few questions about her experience working at Sakh:
What specific issues do the children at Sakhnovsheena face?
The kids here have special needs. They’re delayed psychologically and unstable emotionally.
How long have you been coming to Sahk?
7 years now… Next summer it will be 8. I come about once a month.
In that time what is one difference you have seen in these kids from Lifesong’s influence?
They can actually communicate and listen affectively. They are able to express themselves now. This is a big change.
How have you been effected from working with the kids at Saknovsheena?
Oi! (she smiles)
Actually the main thing I’ve realized about myself is how immature I am as a Christian. Most of my life I have been focused on me… even when I would do something for God.
Now I understand that it's not about me.
I know that if I really want to make any difference I must take time to understand the needs of these kids… their hearts, which requires patience and real love. These kids need a lot of love, but sometimes it is hard to love them.
When I first started working for Lifesong I thought it was easy to love. I was so emotionally excited and attached to the kids that it made it easy. But now I understand how important it is to be faithful… even if things don’t happen how I think they should… even when loving is no longer easy.
Sometimes I feel like Jonah. Jonah didn’t want to go to Ninevah. And God could have used someone else to save Ninevah… but He chose to use Jonah… Just like he chose to use me.
So it is no longer about me. It is all about Him.
It’s no longer about who I think God should be. It’s about who He IS.
He is a kinder God than I expected. He loves more than I expected. He is mightier than I expected!
I am weak, and I understand that I can do nothing. But God! He is mighty.
All I can really do is lift these kids up in prayer. It is a miracle to me that He has allowed me to be a part of His work!
How do you view Alexi and Oksana and Vitalik and Luda, as the CCP (constant Christian presence) here?
They are saints. They live in this everyday. Alexi reminds me of Moses a lot, because he is very humble but very strong. Proverbs 25:15 says “soft speech can crush strong opposition” and that’s exactly what Lyosha (Alexi) does. This is really cool because the kids are really tough here, and they have no discipline. I know that kids feel unloved when they have no discipline. Lyosha is exactly the one who can influence them because he knows how to speak to them. He has such a big heart and can speak strong words with such love that the kids respond to him.
Thanks Natasha!
Tomorrow I will be sharing my own perspective on my time visiting Sakhnovsheena orphanage. Until then...
до свидания и Бог благословит!