Thankful (on site in UA)
Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 7:14AM
Leslie ( in Advocate, Lifesong for Orphans, Orphan Care, Orphans, Ukraine, lifesong ukraine, orphan care


He sat next to me as we watched the ping-pong tournament.  This freckled kid that I’d never seen before but was automatically drawn to.


He just leaned into my shoulder and we watched together. He’d ask me questions in Russian and I’d try to respond in what little I knew, but inevitably Natasha was called for help.  

I love this kid.  I'm not sure why, but I do.

I don't really know him, but as I've walked through the orphanage these past few days it’s his face that I look for. It’s his face I hope I don't miss.

Apparently he has had some issues with taking things that don't belong to him... I don't really mind.  It just means I have to watch my stuff. 

But each evening I’ve wished him goodnight and every morning I’ve hugged him hello.

I’m going to miss that. 

She sat with the other children on the orphanage floor as they watched a movie.  The room smelled of urine.

I was told she might not let me take her picture because she gets nervous easily, but I desperately wanted to capture her sweet smile and ponytail that stuck straight up on top of her head. 

I smiled and asked if it would be okay. 

She shook her head “no.” 

I smiled again, snapped a shot of another girl who was anything but camera shy, then offered to show her the picture, thinking maybe now she'll give me a chance. 

She eased in slightly.  Still no dice.

The other girl demanded another picture, so I took it... then gave her one last, maybe overly sweet, questioning smile.

She grinned and hopped into place, grinning, ready for me to snap away.

From that point on she was mine.  She grabbed my hand as we walked down the hall and hesitated when it was time to let go.  She eagerly looked for me as they were called to line up for lunch.

Apparently she's eight, though she looks more like a four-year-old.

I don't get it.  I don't understand how these kids live without families.  I don't get how they survive.

I wish I had answers.  I don't.  Being here makes feel so weak and so small.  It makes me very aware of my own brokenness... my own need.

And in the midst of it all I am so thankful.

Thankful that God is bigger.

Thankful that He sees and hears.

Thankful that He is using the Lifesong Ukraine staff to minister to these kids.

Thankful that there is hope.

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
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