Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 9:55AM
Leslie (leslie@lifesongfororphans.org) in Africa, Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Lifesong, Lifesong Ethiopia, Lifesong for Orphans, Lifesong for Orphans, Orphan Care
In addition to just the normal operation of the schools, the feeding programs, etc. we have been in the process of :
Adding four more classrooms to Lifesong's Pre-School in Adami Tulu. Thank you to Aaron Klein and the "Adami Tulu team" for all the hard work that went into raising the funds so we can serve more children! Upon completion we will have two classrooms each of Nursery, Lower Kindergarten, and Upper Kindergarten. This project is just beginning.
The Adami Tulu team is now working to raise funds for new restrooms on the Pre-School grounds. You can see the difference between the current restrooms (left), and the model of the ones we hope to build (right):
Building a "high wall" between our Lifesong primary school and the courthouse behind us to keep the "smell" from our latrine from entering their offices and the smell from their latrine from entering our school director's office. This project is nearly done. It is a cement block wall 147 feet (47 meters) long and 15 feet high (4.5 meters). It is really "just a wall," but a mighty big wall.
Here's a video from the Adami Tulu team:
Thank you for your prayer and support as we strive to bring joy and purpose to children in Ethiopia!
Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (http://lifesong.squarespace.com/).
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