Upcoming Events
Tuesday, September 20, 2011 at 1:48PM
Christi Ucherek (christi@lifesongfororphans.org) in Church Adoption Fund, Church Orphan Ministry, Conference, Empowered to Connect, Irving Bible, Lifesong for Orphans, Tapestry, adoption, church orphan care, orphan care

Hello bloggy world,

Here's a few upcoming events that may catch your eye. For more events, check out the Lifesong calendar frequently!  

Empowered To Connect, together with Show Hope, hosts the Empowered To Connect Conference — a two-day conference for adoptive and foster parents, ministry leaders and professionals designed to help them better understand how to connect with children from hard places in order to help them heal and become all that God desires for them to be. The next Empowered To Connect Conference will be on September 23-24, 2011, in Nashville, Tennessee at Brentwood Baptist Church.


Connecting Community Crafters for Global Good! 

Crafts for a Cause is newly established initiative. The structure is simple! The booth fee, silent auction proceeds, and concessions are all donated to our sponsored cause!





Join us October 21-22 in Phoenix for Together for Adoption Conference 2011. Over 1,200 people will gather together at Redemption Church (Gilbert Campus) to explore the theme Missional Living, the Gospel and Orphan Care. One of our primary objectives for this year’s conference is to create a forum to consider the good news of the Gospel, explore its implications for how we think about and implement orphan care strategies, and discuss how we can move toward greater collaboration as the people of God for the sake of orphans worldwide.


The Tapestry Conference is completely free!  But even though it is free, we believe the breadth and quality of the conference is truly outstanding. 


We can't wait to see what the Lord has in store through these fabulous events!

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (http://lifesong.squarespace.com/).
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