Please enjoy this update from Village of Hope-Guatemala,
Yesterday, all over the social media world, people were posting this:
Churches around the world will pause today to consider the growing orphan crisis... Our prayer is that they don't forget tomorrow!
Have you forgotten already?
Have you asked the Lord to break YOUR heart for the things that break HIS?
What is He calling YOU to do?
What can YOUR family sacrifice?
Right now this very minute there are children waiting. Children who are living with HIV in a culture that rejects them. Schools do not want to accept them; most orphanages do not want to accept them either. And so they wait - in hopes that one day someone will welcome them in, wrap their loving arms around them and tell them they are valued, cherished, and loved. And we wait, for the body of Christ to come together to make the vision of
Village of Hope a reality for these children.
To date, the Lord has provided for 840 bricks... PRAISE HIM! This means that we still have a LONG way to go before we can build the first home for the children the Lord will send us. Stop. Read that sentence again. CHILDREN ARE WAITING... we will have to turn them away without the funds to build the first home.
We have an AMAZING opportunity that a very GENEROUS donor has offered... For the next FIVE days (through the 9th only), the next 48 bricks purchased (up to $1,200 total) will be MATCHED!!!! AND, everyone that buys a brick during this time will be entered into a giveaway for a FREE Village of Hope t-shirt and bag!
To hope GIVE faith, family, and a future to the children at Village of Hope, please visit our webpage
here. Be sure to click 'Donate' next to the text, 'Buy a Brick, Give Hope'.
*If you'd like to buy a brick as a gift or in honor of a love done, a card will be sent indicating your gift. This is a GREAT way to give a gift of purpose this Christmas season!
Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
See website for complete article licensing information.