Multi-Purpose Building & Matching Gift - Lifesong Honduras
Monday, April 16, 2012 at 8:03AM
Leah (
Please enjoy this update from Lifesong Honduras: 

We are excited to share with you Lifesong Honduras' newest project: the Multi-Purpose Building!  

(There is a $65,000 matching gift towards this project!!)
The Vision

Why is there a need?
The tent that is currently being used is a temporary structure, nearing the end of it's usability. It's many rips and tears allow water to leak on the students and sound system.  Also, with 550 children plus the 80 staff this meeting place has become overcrowded. 

Current Tent

How will the Multi-Purpose Building be used?

 It will be used 7 days a week as a Church, Dining Hall, Meeting Space, and Gymnasium. 

How much will it cost?
The total cost of Multi-Purpose Building will be $229,000.  80% of the funds need to be raised before we start the six month construction.  Thankfully, we have a donor willing to match the first $65,000 raised! 

Will you please join us in prayer for this project asking God, our Provider, to build this 'house'?

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted." Psalm 127:1

To learn more about this project, the matching gift, or to watch the fundraising progress, visit our website

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
See website for complete article licensing information.