Family Friday: Scott & Alison
Friday, April 20, 2012 at 8:04AM
Leah ( in Adoption, Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Family, Grants & Loans, Lifesong, Lifesong, Money, Orphans, adoption, adoption assistance, family friday, family friday

Listen in as Scott & Alison, Lifesong adoptive parents, share their journey of brining home Ethan and Levi from Ethiopia.

Without a doubt, God's provision with our adoption expenses was one of the most amazing aspects to our adoption process. We had fellow adoptive families advise us to make a financial plan for our adoption but then also to step out in faith and watch and see how the Lord would provide. By the end of our adoption, nearly $20,000 had been donated toward our adoption! Unbelievable! A true Miracle!

We believe that partnering with Lifesong encouraged family in donating toward our adoption.  Many were glad to see their money go directly to an organization and their funds used towards only our adoption expenses. 

Thank you Lifesong for partnering with us and making our adoption a reality!

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
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