Family Friday: "...more & more in love..."
Friday, September 28, 2012 at 8:00AM
Leah ( in Adoption, China, Family, Lifesong, Money, Orphans, adoption, adoption assistance, china, family friday, family friday

Thankful to share yet another story of God's faithfulness of setting the lonely into a family.

We were blessed to partner with Greg & Angie as they organized a Both Hands Project to raise funds for the adoption of their new daughter Joy, from China.

Please join us in prayer for this family who chose to grow their family through adoption! Thank God for his steadfast love in adopting each of us!

There have been many challenges throughout our adoption process. We are finally moving past survival mode and are growing more and more in love with our daughter, Joy, every day. We cannot imagine going through the process without the help of Both Hands and Lifesong and the many, many prayers of our friends and family. We are so thankful for Joy and we can’t imagine life without her in our family. We are thankful for the help we received to bring her home.

--Greg & Angie

Article originally appeared on Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman (
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