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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Lifesong for Orphans (198)



Happy Monday, everyone!  Well, we are on day 7 of our blitz, with only 3 more days to go!

Today we're going to let Guy Henry, director of Lifesong Honduras, tell a little about Plan Escalon in his own words.

Plan Escalon from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


God is working in Honduras!  He is bringing up young men and women through hardship to a place of purpose and hope... and He is using the staff at Lifesong Honduras to do it!

But they can't do it alone.  Will you join us?

Our goal is:

So far we have 31 commitments.

We need 69 more.

That's about 23 commitments a day!

Please join us!  If you can't commit $30 a month, give what you can.  Let's come together to serve these kids in Honduras.  Let's change their lives.  Let's change their nation.

Don't forget to participate in tomorrow's Tortilla Tuesday! (Don't know what this is?  Click HERE)

Contact us at to make your commitment! Your donation will be DOUBLED thanks to a gracious giver!

Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog!

Your support makes these stories possible!
All administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your donation will go directly to helping orphans.


Meet Tania and Andy

Well, it's day 5... and today we're going to meet a girl by the name of Tania plus hear a little bit of perspective from an American who visited Lifesong Honduras this past February.

Tania is in the 10th grade at Escalon.  Lifesong Honduras provides her with a hopeful future that she would not otherwise have.  There’s a similar story woven into the lives of the kids who study at Escalon… It’s a story of renewed hope… a story of opportunity.  But what really excites me is that it is also a story of giving back.  These kids don’t want to just take what they’ve been given and hoard it.  They want to see other lives change the way their lives have.   Because of that this ministry in Honduras is multiplied, becoming truly affective in the nation as a whole.

One of this year's Vision Trip members, Andy, gives his perspective below:


Don't forget about Shoe Saturday tomorrow!  (don't know what this is?  click HERE)

Our goal is

Please prayerful consider joining us so we can continue to serve children in Honduras.  Every dollar given will be matched!

We have 20.5 commitments.

We need 79.5 more.

We have 5 days to get there.

Please help us do more.

Contact us at to make your commitment! Your donation will be DOUBLED thanks to a gracious giver!

Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog again next week!

Your support makes these stories possible!
All administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your donation will go directly to helping orphans.


Meet Edgar


Edgar from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.


Edgar is 15 years old and in the 10th grade at Lifesong Honduras.

On June 5th, 2009 his father was shot and killed because he didn't want to sell his property, leaving his mother alone to raise Edgar and his brothers.  

Recently Edgar's family decided to move to another state and wanted him to join them.  However, even though it was hard to watch them leave, he was determined to continue his education at Escalon.  After being there for 3 years, Edgar understands his need for education as a step towards a better life. 

When asked about these major trials he has had to face in his young life, he simply says,

It's just like "Pastor Guy" (Lifesong Honduras director) always says, "we should never give up."

After graduating Edgar wants go on to college, which in itself is a huge accomplishment.  He also desires to use his skills to help people in need and give back as he has been given.

With your support we can continue to serve more kids like Edgar. 

Our goal is:

honduras graphicWe have 16.5 commitments.

We need 83.5 more.

Please prayerfully consider joining us as we strive to bring joy and purpose to orphans in Honduras!

Contact us at to make your commitment! Your donation will be DOUBLED thanks to a gracious giver!

Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog all this week!

Your support makes these stories possible!
All administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your donation will go directly to helping orphans.


Counting Shoes

Edmund is just one example of many who have been helped by Lifesong Honduras, and are now giving back.  I love how he obviously cares for these kids and even gives what little he has away so they can have shoes!  What a great example.

Here’s a question for you… How many pairs of shoes do you have? 

Me? I have somewhere in the 30’s… (eek!)

The kids at Lifesong Honduras have one pair each… sometimes two (a pair of boots to serve in).  Wow.

This Saturday join us for Shoe Saturday.  Simply count your shoes… and get your kids in on it too.  Have them count theirs.  And then tell them about the children in Honduras.  Tell them about Edmund who sacrifices his own money so children in the village can have something on their feet.  Then as a family pray.  Thank God for His faithfulness and His blessings on your family.  Thank Him for raising up men and women and children in Honduras to care for the poor, the orphaned, the vulnerable.  Ask Him to continue to provide and watch over them.  Ask Him raise up supporters so Lifesong can continue to serve in Honduras.  

We are reaching for a goal:


Please pray that we can reach this goal?   Maybe God wants to use you?  Will you prayerfully consider joining us?

Maybe you can't give $30 a month... Maybe you can give more.  Today we want to encourage you to give your best!

One commitment we've received was a one time gift... Another commitment was matched by the donor's employer... meaning his gift has now quadrupled!  We are so excited to see people rise up and give what they can!  

Thank you to those who have committed so far.  

We have 15.5 commitments.

Can we make 100?  

We have 7 days... 84.5 commitments to go.  

With your help we can do it!



What if every time you gave a dollar to orphans it became one more? 

One more dollar towards food, education, shelter?

One more dollar towards sharing the Gospel and providing Biblical mentorship?

One more dollar towards changing the life of a child?

Thanks to a generous donor every dollar given to Lifesong Honduras will be matched… up to $120,000!  We praise the Lord for this amazing gift and invite you to be a part of it.

Over the next 10 days we are hoping for 100 1-year commitments of $30 a month.  Just think, for about $1 a day a life in Honduras can be forever changed. 

Partnering with Tree of Life Missions in Honduras, Lifesong for Orphans is able to work toward providing hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and healing to the hurting.  TOLM reaches kids through a program called Plan Escalon.  (Escalon is translated "escalator" and is used to describe the children's escalator out of poverty/brokenness.) 

Through this program we strive toward: 

  • Providing an education to the poorest of youth
  • Providing food to the poorest of youth
  • Providing vocational training & micro-business opportunities
  • Providing free medical and dental clinics to those in need
  • Training young people to give back to their communities
  • Reaching people in the jungles of the Mosquito Coast 

Stay tuned for stories, personal testimonies, and fun ways to spread awareness and instill a heart of giving in your kids!

Our goal is:

Will you help us?  100 commitments in ten days is no small feat, but with God it is possible.  We have seen Him move mightily in His people to serve orphans and we pray that this ten weeks will be a testimony of that!  Together we can make a difference in the lives of these kids!  Together we can do more to bring joy and purpose to orphans!

Contact us at to make your commitment!

Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog all this week!

You will receive follow up emails on Thurs of this week and Tues of next week where we'll be sharing some personal stories and updating you on the progress.  Please join us in prayer as we ask the Lord to raise up 100 commitments!