Vova & Svyeta - indigenous foster care/adoption

You asked for more Ukraine pics & highlights...so here you go!...
a view from a Ukrainian orphan's perspective as they live in an orphanage
One of the deepest forms of love and relieving needs of the 132 million+ orphans is - giving them a family. The reality is that not all of the world's orphans will be adopted internationally (very roughly 20,000 +/- adoptions by US families each year). It has been said that only the global Church (Body of Christ) is big enough to solve the 132 million orphan problem - no other corporation, no government nor non-profit entity as the ability to deliver a solution. No other entity has a distribution system that is big enough, wide enough, and deep enough - except the worldwide Body of Christ.
We seek to mobilize the Church, His body, where each member can provide a unique and special service: some to adopt, some to care, some to give financially.
Vovya & Svyeta (Lifesong Family Home parents)
Ok...that sounds really good, but what does that really look like?
I want to introduce you to some of my HEROES...
A Ukrainian Christian couple (Vova & Svyeta) who have made themselves available for how God wants to use them to love on the orphan children in Ukraine. They have dedicated themselves to becoming Ukrainian foster/adoptive parents in a Lifesong for Orphans family home (foster/adoptive home).
One and a half years ago, Vova & Svyeta adopted their first child after having 3 children biologically. They currently have adopted/fostering 7 children.
Thank You to the several US churches who have made Ukraine Orphan Care a part of their missions commitment and have an "Adopt-an-Orphanage" initiative in Ukraine.
Thank you to the Ukraine Vision Team and several major donors and advocates who have sacrificially and generously "dug deep" to help Lifesong Ukraine staff to "go deep" in these children's lives!
Thank you for believing in the model of encouraging & equipping the indigenous Christians to live out James 1:27
Thank you Vova & Svyeta, Denis and the entire Lifesong - Ukraine Orphan Care team for saying 'yes' to God's calling!
Thank you God for never tiring in being a Father to the fatherless!...
What would happen if each of the 300,000 churches in the US where to come alongside of one indigenous church and one indigenous orphanage or initiative?
...There would no longer be 132 million orphaned & vulnerable children in our world... Get Started
Lifesong Family Home (the whole clan)
Lifesong Family Home (kitchen/dining area)
Lifesong Family Home landscaping
Lifesong Family Home (backyard)
Reader Comments (1)
Great pictures - Great post!