Lifesong for Orphans in WORLD magazine
Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 6:21AM
God is inviting His Body to love orphans...some to care, some to adopt, some to give. WORLD Magazine recently highlighted one very tangible way of a church caring for orphans - through Church Adoption Funds.
Read the article....Check out how Lifesong for Orphans, the ABBA Fund, Shaohannah's Hope, FamilyLegacies, and others are coming alongside the church.
I think this is a good example of how para-church ministries have the opportunity, responsibility and privilege to lavishly equip the church...and to generously serve the church!...
Christian Alliance for Orphans
Reader Comments (1)
It was very fun reading that article in World magazine and seeing a quote by Andy Lehman as well as seeing Lifesong highlighted!