Sami - some to adopt...some to give
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 11:08AM
Paul & Cherri are adopting again - this time a little girl named Sami B. from Korea - they feel called to adopt Sami, but the financial barriers are very real to them. Lifesong has the privilege of coming alongside of them with a $4,000 Matching Grant to help raise the remaining funds needed to complete this adoption. I thought this quote from one of Paul & Cherri's friends is a glimpse into how many people feel about giving financially towards an adoption...
'Cherri, there are many people who wish they could do something more for orphans, or to adopt themselves, but they just are not able to for whatever reason...this [Matching Grant] gives them the information and opportunity to share in the blessing...' - Paul & Cherri's blog
Lifesong Method: We seek to mobilize the Church, His Body, where each member has a unique and special service to the orphans: some to adopt, some to care, some to give...
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