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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Lifesong Honduras

Our Lifesong Honduras team just finished going through interviews to determine who can attend the Lifesong school for orphan and vulnerable children. Please pray for our director Guy Henry and his team -

Today is the first day after the last day of interviews. We did somewhere around 365! Now, the always difficult and heart wrenching process of selecting those that will go on to the next phase which is the introductory course to determine who will be the new students of Plan Esclalon 2010.

Never have we had so many interviews and so many cases that are worthy to be approved. I have it narrowed down to 257 at present, plus some 35 new Miskitos that are scheduled to arrive on Jan 5th. This is of course way, way too many new students to add to the continuing students of 2009. I have only 4 days to have this list narrowed down; I'm simply
asking for prayer for wisdom to know who are the ones that we can MOST help.

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