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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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November 7, 2010

From Christianity Today to Catalyst, God’s call to “defend the cause of the fatherless” is echoing in ways not seen in generations.   Orphan Sunday is your opportunity to spread this passion as part of a nationwide movement.


Each Orphan Sunday event is led by local Christians committed to the Gospel and the orphan: from Sunday School classes and sermons to student-led fundraisers and foster family recruiting.  Here is just one testimony of the thousands of lives that were touched last year by Orphan Sunday...


“Orphan Sunday at Morningside Baptist in Sioux City, IA not only became a catalyst for us to launch an orphan ministry—including a new adoption and orphan care fund—but also spurred many church members to consider adoption, including a church elder whose family will be adopting in 2010 as a result.” --Jim Reynolds, Church Elder

 Hear the personal story of a family changed forever through Orphan Sunday 2009! 


Get Started Now...

What is Orphan Sunday? 


Alongside local events, a national concert featuring The Desperation Band will be simulcast live from Colorado Springs to high school and college groups nationwide on the Friday of Orphan Sunday weekend. 


The 2010 campaign aims for more than 2,000 events across America the weekend of November 7th.  The ultimate goal:  to call Christians to make the Gospel visible in adoption, foster care and global orphan ministry.  Start planning your Orphan Sunday event today! 

Don't forget to put your Orphan Sunday event on the map!


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