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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Making the Most of your Adoption Fund, Part 2

Gain some perspective from children who have experienced adoption first-hand in this great video from Church of the Saviour in Wayne, Pennsylvania:

church fund video  

* * *  

In January of this year the Horton family applied to Lifesong for financial assistance in the adoption of their daughter from China.  Sadly, at that time Lifesong was unable to help the family financially but did offer fundraising support to them.  

horton familyRecently, Lifesong received a phone call from Jeeah's Hope, an adoption/orphan care ministry in Columbus, GA saying that they had heard about the family and wanted to help out. They gave a substantial matching grant to the Horton family which will help them raise significant funds towards their adoption.  

Why are we excited and thanking the Lord?  For various reasons - it is great to see a family helped and a child moving closer to home and it is encouraging to see the family of God reaching out to make a difference.  The biggest reason we are praising the Lord is for the Kingdom minded, big picture heart example given by the Jeeah's Hope ministry.  The Horton's do not attend a Jeeah's Hope church, they don't even live in the same state, yet the ministry saw a need, recognized that the resources available to them were the Lord's and reached out to give, care and bring change and hope.  How beautiful is that!  

We want to encourage you all to praise the Lord for who He is and how He works. 

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