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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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And the winners are...

Yes, I did say winners!  What a great response we've had, bringing our total number of facebook likes to over 6,500!  Wow!  

Alright, let's get down to business...

First of all, we had 8 participants who earned over 100 votes and want to say thank you to all the runners-up with some parting gifts.  That being said...

1 bag of Gobena Coffee (flavor of your choice) will go to:

Taryn Harvey with 114 votes

Marianne Gross with 260 votes

Renee Yoder Skibinski with 293 votes 

1 Lifesong t-shirt (color and size of your choice) will go to:

Kim Kellenberger with 313 votes

Kelly Stem Rumbaug with 380 votes

1 Taste of Heaven Cookbook will go to:

Sara Avery Moore with 402 votes

1 Lifesong t-shirt (color and size of your choice) and 1 Taste of Heaven Cookbook will go to:

Natasha Loken Siebert with 551 votes

and the grand prize, 1 free registration to Summit VII and 2 nights in a hotel goes to:

Jenna Lorick with 667 votes!!!

Congratulations ladies!

And another bit of exciting news, an anonymous donor has called into Lifesong wanting to cover the cost of 2 registrations at Summit and 2 nights in a hotel for Kim Kellenberger!  Congratulations Kim!
****An update - a friend of Natasha Loken Siebert has contacted us and is committing to provide the funds for her AND her husband's registration and 2 nights in a hotel! If any of their friends and family would like to help this donor cover their costs, please let us know!****

Thank you everyone for participating!  To the winners, you can email to receive your prizes!  And Jenna and Kim, we look forward to seeing you in Louisville!

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Reader Comments (6)

Wow, to whomever donated that trip, we are so humbled and joyful! What a special blessing you have blessed us with, and we are so grateful! We praise God and give Him thanks for your generosity and love! Don't tell my wife I said this, but she was away from her computer and I called to tell her the super exciting news, and she was a basket full of tears, love and sheer joy (and she said she had to pull over so she wouldn't have an accident!:)) We had made the decision that if we didn't win this trip, we wouldn't be able to go, and we were just praying and hoping - and when we saw we had no hope in the contest, we decided God was closing the door for a reason and we thanked Him for whatever that was. But wow, God was doing something bigger all along! Praise to Him and our Lord Jesus Christ, and thanks to you who were used by Him in this generous way! Also, way to go Jenna, you rocked the competition!!:)

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNeal Kellenberger

wow, thanks for sharing that, neal! this is so fun! love seeing God work!

Thank you Lifesong and all involved in this fun contest. I pray many hearts are turned to Jesus and adoption through it!

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKelly Rumbaugh

I am thankful and humbled for the love and generosity and hope to orphans and their parents to be.

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren

AMAZED by all of this!

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah F

WOW! I am finally home after being gone all day! THANK YOU Lifesong and whoever gave so graciously to us so that we could go to the conference! I am humbled! THANKS AGAIN to whomever donate this blessing to us!!

April 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKim Kellenberger

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