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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Family Friday: Keith and Tana

Meet Keith and Tana and their four little ones (three of which are within 15 months of each other!!!)

Aliyah Faith (Ludmia) and Christela Hope came home to Denver, CO from Haiti last January... 12 days after the earthquake.  In the midst of sorrow and devastation, God chose to work good for two precious little girls, who otherwise would have waited for another 1-3 years to come home to their forever family.

Today, instead of waiting for a home, Aliyah and Christela are thriving with two brothers and a mommy and daddy who LOVE them!

We want to thank Lifesong for Orphans again for your support of us in our adoption process!  

We are so thankful to have our girls home... to see their smiles and laughs.  And we know that the Lord has given them such a life of hope now... and a family that loves them.  

Your support was huge for us... both financially and as a confirmation that we were hearing the Lord correctly.  Even though we didn't have the funds to bring these two precious girls home, He did!  And He provided!

Keith and Tana

Thanks, Keith and Tana!  We at Lifesong are blessed to be a part of your story!


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