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Swimming, Scripture, and more: Ethiopia Update

Please enjoy this update from  Lifesong Ethiopia:

  • In May Lifesong School's 1-3rd grade students in Ziway went on a fieldtrip to Wondo Genet in the southern part of Ethiopia.  There they were able to go swimming in a natural hot springs and swimming pool!  Swimming is something they can not enjoy in Ziway, due to the contaminated water in Lake Ziway.

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  • Under Ethiopian law, no religion can be taught in schools.  However we are allowed to read the Bible at the flag pole ceremony in the morning, where our kids are learning scripture.  Many times, our students even write poetry that incorporate Christian lessons they have learned and request to share them with the rest of the school! 
  • Ginny Stoller, who has been serving with Lifesong Ethiopia for the past year is heading home.  The school said goodbye with a ceremony in her honor.  We'll miss you, Ginny!
  • This week began another year's registration process at Adami Tulu.  This is always bitter sweet because many young children are given hope for a better life, but many are also turned away.  This year, thanks to the 4 new classrooms being built by Aaron Klein's team we're able to register more children, turning fewer away.  Below is a picture of the crowd that came to registration day, in hope of enrolling their children:

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Thank you for your continued prayer and support as we serve children in Ethiopia!

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