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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Family Friday: Jason & Sherry

Listen in as Jason & Sherry share their testimony from their recent adoption of their son Josiah,


We took a big step of faith in beginning our adoption experience.  We had put off adopting for several years due to the financial cost.  Finally, we decided that (on our own) we were never going to have the funds to adopt.  Feeling called by God to adopt, we knew we were just going to have to trust in God alone to complete the adoption for us.  We could NOT do it on our own.  We started the process with a tax refund check of $5,000 and no other money in savings.  Two years and $30,000 later, we came home with Josiah.  God worked it out completely.  Every time we needed money, he provided.  Lifesong was one of those ways that God came through.  We received a matching grant from Lifesong and got the added blessing of watching our friends and family help us bring Josiah home. -Jason & Sherry

 Thanks Jason & Sherry for partnering with Lifesong...It was such an honor for us to play just a small part in the work that God has done in your lives and your family!

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