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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Family Friday: " heart was so full."


Please enjoy another Family Friday feauturing Evan, Carla and their new son, Ephrem, who they brought home into their FOREVER FAMILY this summer...


We were humbled and blessed to receive adoption support from Lifesong. Our adoption was quick because we were adopting a special needs child, which was amazing and also exhausting. We found the encouragement from Lifesong and Both Hands to be unexpected, but very welcomed support in our process. 

We began our adoption with $1,000 in the bank and a promise to ourselves to avoid going into more debt to finish our adoption. We didn’t know how we would do this, but we trusted in our God to provide. Only six weeks into the process, we received our referral for our son. Our agency said that they would expedite the process to get him home and into medical treatment. This was wonderful…and terrifying because it meant that we would have to pay the fees on a quicker timeline. Nevertheless, we trusted God to provide.

The financial support we were able to get from Lifesong/Both Hands was essential to bringing our son home. It provided for the travel costs (airfare, lodging) as well as some agency fees toward the end of the process. Without this support, we wouldn’t have gotten our son home in May/June without going into debt. When Ephrem and I walked out of security and got to hug Evan as a family of three for the very first time, my heart was so full. 

--Evan & Carla

"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling." Psalm 68:5

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    Response: DIANA
    [...]Family Friday: " heart was so full." - Reflections Today - Reflections: Lifesong Blog | Andy Lehman[...]

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