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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Honduras (32)


Let them eat tortillas!

Next monday we will be kicking off an exciting 10 day blog-a-thon to spread the word about what's going on at Lifesong Honduras.  We will be sharing personal testimonies from changed lives, peeking into everyday Honduran life, and giving some tools to spread awareness in your families.

One of these tools is a little something we like to call (da-daDAAA!):

Tuesday, March 29th we will be dedicating 1 meal to eat what the children in Honduras eat on a daily basis... and we want you to be a part of it!  We will also provide some great topical questions and discussion guides for you to share with your kids on what life is like for children in another culture.  

So mark your calendars and head to the store to get tortillas, rice, and beans for the whole family! 



Who would have thought that building wells in Illinois could build a well in Honduras?

Lifesong Honduras has accepted more children into their care and went from 5,000 to 20,000 gallons of water needed per day. Their 20 year old well was damaged in a 2007 earthquake and needs to be replaced in order to provide clean drinking water for the kids at their orphanage. Total cost for the well: $9,500.

A local young adult small group has taken up the challenge to creatively raise the funds for this project by building & selling these wishing wells to help build a well in Honduras! So far, they've raised over $1700.00!


Thanks so much Pontiac Bible Church for your partnership & support!

To stay up-to-date on this project go to GodabuildawellFacebook's page!



changing a nation

Lifesong Honduras recently had their 4th Annual Alumni Conference.  At this yearly event, former students come back and share struggles and successes and reconnect with old classmates and teachers.

We were inspired as alumni shared struggles and how faith in God and values learned in Plan Escalon have helped them overcome. It's a joy to provide continued support they can rely on and to see them catch our vision to "change the nation" for themselves.  We know we are successful when our graduates, after living in the "safe" environment of our Lifesong program, walk in the convictions they were taught and make them their own when living in the "real" world.

Lifesong Honduras Director, Guy Henry 

Praise God for the work being done in children to change a nation!


Changing a Nation!

Edmund Gives Back from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.

10 May UpdateIn a valley surrounded by mountains, on the outer edges of the jungle, Lifesong Honduras was birthed in the hearts of its founding fathers 22 years ago. The dream was, that poverty stricken youth of Honduras would find a haven from the outside forces of the world, in which to continue their education past elementary school, something the Honduras government was unable to sustain. Since then many of the country’s youth have been impacted, touched not only for their good, but the good of their country.

Today, the vision continues to grow as Director Guy Henry and his staff advance its mission statement, “Finding a need, meeting a need, changing the nation”. This year another dimension has been added to this statement, that of “causing a revolution”. It is their desire to “revolutionize” the country, affecting neighboring regions and impacting future generations to come.

Click here to read more. Lifesong Honduras. Changed Lives.


Lifesong Honduras

Please enjoy these updates from Guy, director for Lifesong Honduras orphan care -

Over the last month, the staff has been adapting to the many new changes caused by the new class hours.  Yes, we are all being stretched, but change is always a good thing when it is for the better.

The weekend of February 6th all of the students arrived for the school year 2010, we registered around 450 students.   This number is up from past years, but we also have more new enrollees than in previous years. We literally have had to clear out storage rooms to create more space to house all of them. It is obvious which direction we will need to take with the next building project, adding on to the existing boys’ dorms to accommodate for the increase in enrollments. 

It  was brought to my attention this week that 40 of our 150 new students, primarily our 7th graders, are way below the normal weight and height of someone their age, they clearly have not received the nutrition that they have needed to start the adolescent growth process. It is our desire to provide each of them with vitamins and minerals to help compensate for where they have been lacking in the past, their diets will obviously improve with the food they will receive from the cafeteria. We are used to that here, to some extent, but not to the extreme that we are seeing this year.  However, after consulting with the ministry medical clinic to see what we had available, I discovered that we have only two bottles of adult vitamins available. We would appreciate any help that could be given to help us offer this to them regularly, it would benefit many, to say the least.

We started classes this Wednesday on schedule, only to discover that we are lacking in providing 75 students with desks.  Currently, these students are sitting on the floor or standing, until this problem can be remedied.  We will need $2000 to construct the amount of school desks we are lacking. The beauty is we can do that right here on campus in our own welding shop.   

Until next time, God Bless!”