Give Hope. Give Family.

***UPDATE as of Mon 4/25: Our total is at $28,455... which will be doubled by a generous donor making it $56,910! We are at 78 of our 100 commitments... can you help?
***UPDATE AS OF Tues 4/12: Our total is at $27,955... which will be doubled making it $55,910!!!
***UPDATE AS OF 11:30AM ON WED 4/6: Recd. a $10,000 donation for this, making our total $27,473... which will be doubled making it $54,946!!!
As we wrapped up our 10-day Honduras blitz, it was amazing to hear the stories of how the Lord moved hearts to respond to the need.
The Lord raised up 49.5 commitments in 10 days! That’s over $17,000 over the next year, which will be doubled and becomes over $35,000! What a mighty God we serve!
We also had a great response to
and I'm excited to share some pictures and stories with you now in a little something I like to call Tortilla Tuesday Testimonials! (Click on the names in bold to read more on their blogs!)
As we participated in Tortilla Tuesday, we talked about how much we truly take for granted. We pulled our pre-made tortillas out of a package, beans from a can with no need for soaking overnight, and minute rice together and it was SO EASY. Not so for many people in Honduras - I can't imagine the hours it takes to prepare each meal. We took some time to be thankful for what we have, and to consider the ways that God would have us to share that with others. We asked God to make our hearts softened to the needs of those all around us so that we can be a part of being His hands and feet to the world."
Melissa from South Carolina
Barb from Indiana
When Mr. Incredible arrived home and looked at what I was cooking, "oh, it's Tuesday" escaped with very little zeal. But what an opportunity it has provided to sit and eat a meal that so many others share ALL the time and reflect on how BLESSED our family is. Though the meal may not be Mr. Incredible's favorite, he does a wonderful job leading the kids in thinking outside of their world. I think Tortilla Tuesday is going to hang around for awhile!!!
Jennifer from Texas
Megan from Illinois
We actually really enjoyed our meal, but agreed it would get old REALLY fast. It's hard to imagine that people eat this day in and day out! Thanks Lifesong for this "visual" lesson idea to help us remember how abundantly we're blessed!
Sarah from Indiana
We decided to bring TORTILLA TUESDAY to our community group to help share the needs of the children in Honduras. Our community group enjoys a meal together before each of our meetings. So this was a great time to learn about others who live so differently than we do and to consider how the Lord might have us share out bounty with them. Before the meal, James read through some facts regarding the people and children of Honduras. Then the digging in commenced; with a greater appreciation of our abundance, I'm sure.
Toni from South Dakota
Candice from California
(Notice they are watching Edmund during their Tortilla Tuesday lunch)
We talked as a family and tried to think about how if we were that child up in the mountains of Honduras—with no shoes, not enough clothes or food, no electricity, no school---how amazing it would be to be able to go to Plan Escalon!
Charisa from Virginia
and from a couple of Lifesong staffers:
Christi with husband, Dan
To our Lifesong families - wow, we are amazed at the commitment you are making in the midst of your own adoptions! Many of you have made such HUGE sacrifices and we're so blessed to serve alongside you.
To our church fund partners - not only are you committing to global orphan care, but you're serving the families in your church and community... you are truly an inspiration and encouragement to each of us!
To our longtime donors - you continue to amaze us as you 'see a need, meet the need' over and over! We could not continue to serve these children without you!
To our new donors - what a joy it is to see the Lord stir in your hearts to care for the fatherless. You are crucial to our ministry and we're excited to build relationships with each of you!
Thank you to everyone who participated and have a blessed Tuesday!
Well, it's day 10 of our blitz and we have a long way to go to make our goal. We have 40.5 commitments... can we get 59 commitments today? It seems impossible... but we know that God can do great things.
We've seen Him do it this week!
We've seen it in people giving their best gifts.
We've seen it in the stories we've received of families eating tortillas in honor of our kids in Honduras. (by the way, we'd love to hear more! Tell us about your Tortilla Tuesday experience HERE)
We know that God is at work, and pray that He will continue to move today!
Yesterday we talked about the difference Lifesong Honduras is making. Today we get to hear a personal testimony of this difference made in one Escalon graduate, Victor Rodas:
The reality is that without your support stories like Victor's... stories like Edgar's and Tania's and Edmund's would cease to exist.
We have till the end of today. Can we reach our goal?
Contact us at to make your commitment!
Your donation will be doubled thanks to a gracious giver!
It's Tortilla Tuesday! Don't forget to send in your stories and photos to
What difference does Lifesong Honduras really make in the lives of the 550 students we work with?
Nutritionally: Every day students at Lifesong Honduras receive 3 balanced meals. (Join us today for Tortilla Tuesday! Confused? Click HERE)
Educationally: The national average of students in public schools who go on to college in Honduras is around 1%. At Lifesong Honduras, about 40% of students go on to college!
Economically: In a country with a national unemployment rate of 70%, over 70% of Plan Escalon graduates have full-time jobs!
Spiritually: 2011 Vision Team member, Brian Kerz, speaks from what he saw first hand:
Isn't teaching the gospel message really what it's all about? And after leaving Lifesong Honduras to live on their own, 90% of Escalon graduates still consider themselves Christians and 85% continue to attend church on a regular basis!
Lives are being changed. Lives can continue to change because of the difference being made by people like you!
Our goal is:
We have two days left.
We need 63 commitments!
Will you help us continue to serve children in Honduras?
Contact us at to make your commitment! Your donation will be doubled thanks to a gracious giver!
Your support makes these stories possible!
All administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your donation will go directly to helping orphans.
Happy Monday, everyone! Well, we are on day 7 of our blitz, with only 3 more days to go!
Today we're going to let Guy Henry, director of Lifesong Honduras, tell a little about Plan Escalon in his own words.
Plan Escalon from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.
God is working in Honduras! He is bringing up young men and women through hardship to a place of purpose and hope... and He is using the staff at Lifesong Honduras to do it!
But they can't do it alone. Will you join us?
Our goal is:
So far we have 31 commitments.
We need 69 more.
That's about 23 commitments a day!
Please join us! If you can't commit $30 a month, give what you can. Let's come together to serve these kids in Honduras. Let's change their lives. Let's change their nation.
Don't forget to participate in tomorrow's Tortilla Tuesday! (Don't know what this is? Click HERE)
Contact us at to make your commitment! Your donation will be DOUBLED thanks to a gracious giver!
Hear personal stories & follow the progress on our blog!
Your support makes these stories possible!
All administrative costs are covered, so 100% of your donation will go directly to helping orphans.