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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Hope for Orphans (8)


Sharing God's Heart for Orphans With Your Kids

Check out this recent Tapestry blog posting -

As more and more people are awakened to the needs of orphans, we see many followers of Christ discovering and embracing (many for the first time) the privilege of loving and serving these children that are so very near to the heart of God. But the joy and blessing of being the ‘hands and feet of Jesus’ is not only for “big people” — it is for our children as well.

Hope for Orphans has recently launched a new website called Hope for Orphans Kids. This site has some great tools and resources, including a list of scripture references that detail how God views orphans (and how we should too!), testimonials from orphans from around the world, ways that kids can get involved in serving orphans and even a step-by-step explanation geared toward kids to help them better understand what it means to be adopted in God’s family through faith in Jesus Christ.

Check out Hope for Orphans Kids and invite your child to learn more and experience the joy of loving and serving orphans in Jesus’ name.


Your Church & The Orphan

Family Life's Hope for Orphans created this unique one-day overview for interested families and ministry leaders...

You have been dreaming of ways your church could make a God-sized impact for the orphan.  You have wanted to do something, but you didn’t know how to begin.  We have created this workshop just for you.  Check out this video to learn how this powerful one- day group workshop experience can help you start an orphans ministry in your church."



Your Church and the Orphan

Kentwood Community Church in Michigan takes a kingdom-minded approach, where they seek to help families overcome the financial barrier to adoption. KCC has partnered with Lifesong to create the KCC/Sam & Ellie Adoption Fund in order to provide a way to bring waiting children into forever families. 

KCC orphan advocates will be attending a workshop this month -


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