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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Indigenous (7)


Haggai | God has remembered Him...

On our recent Zambia Vision Trip we met a young man named Haggai, who is abou 13 yrs old but only in the 3rd grade because he hadn't attended school much at all, until he came to the Lifesong School.

Watch his see how God is turning broken-ness into beauty...!


Haggai from Lifesong on Vimeo.




In-Country Solutions | Ukraine Orphan Care

A recent note from our Ukraine Director, Denis...

...Lifesong for Orphans is currently working with about 285 children ages 6-19 in the Matvievka area.  Lifesong staff are currently serving in the orphanages 7 days a week conducting:  CCP (mentoring) lessons, one-on-one counseling, music, crafts, job skill training and sports education.

Two young boys have recently become Christians.

Please pray for:

1. Kids and orphanage staff/administration at the orphanage

2. More Ukrainian families to become foster parents.  We currently are able to  place only 16 so far, we need families for 34 more children. It's a big need.

Thank you for your continues support of the work we do in this region of Ukraine!

Yours in Him,


"Our Children" will have:

1. No want for food, clothing, medical care, or shelter

2. Fundamental Christian training and discipleship

3. A quality education to provide a foundation for the future

4. Continued love and support as they transition into adult living




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