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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in school (43)


School in Full Swing - Lifesong Ethiopia

We invite you to share a word of encouragement to our staff at Lifesong Ethiopia. To do so, please leave a comment or comment on our Facebook wall and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support! 

Please enjoy this update on Lifesong Ethiopia from Gary Ifft,

"After some hectic and stressful days, school has started up once again.  The last minute crush of registering students, hiring teachers and other staff, purchasing large quantities of food, purchasing and placement of desks and other furniture, in addition to trying to get the two new school buildings completed and ready for our occupancy is not something we looked forward to.  But we survived all that and school is in operation.  

With all three campuses combined we have 760 students.  And it seems we also have about 2,000 upset families because there was no room for their kids in our schools.  That is the problem (and the blessing) of having the best facilities, the best teachers, and the best reputation for many kilometers in any direction.  We've been threatened with lawsuits, tried to be bribed, been cried in front of more times than we could count, been cursed, and been accused by government officials of corruption simply because we didn't enroll someone's child.  Never did we suspect this was part of our job description!

In Adami Tulu we suddenly find ourselves with 300 students (these are included in the 760 above).  As opposed to the two Ziway schools, they don't yet have a nice modern feeding facility like both schools in Ziway have.  Our kitchen staff is doing an outstanding job with the facility they have to feed all these kids breakfast and lunch each day.  But for next year, it is definitely a priority to get them a dining facility equal to or better than the standard set in Ziway.

Enjoy these pictures..." 

 Our new two-story 14-room building at Ziway



 Morning flag pole ceremony at Ziway 


Kids eating lunch at Adami Tulu
Please keep our precious children at Lifesong Ethiopia in your prayers as they spend their time at school. 

Celebrating Through Service -- Lifesong Zambia

We invite you to share a word of encouragement to our staff at Lifesong Zambia. To do so, please reply to this email or leave a comment on our Facebook wall and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support! 

We are blessed to share this update from Lifesong Zambia from missionary Shane McBride,

"Often times Independence Day is celebrated with fireworks, picnics, and apple pies. Well, here in Zambia on October 24th, we are using the holiday as a time of reflection. We are blessed beyond measure and our students know this.  

So, how will we celebrate? Through service. Our students will be going into their community and serving the elderly and widows. It will be a week long activity of shoveling, mending roofs, cutting grass (not with a mower, but by hand with a slasher), fetching water from the wells, picking up trash, and volunteering at the two local medical clinics. 


It's a celebration of both Zambia's Independence and Christ's provision as He Brings Joy and Hope to these children, and through these children INTO the community.  

 Also, please remember to pray for our Grade 7 students, from Oct 30 - Nov 2, as they take their BIG GRADE 7 TEST.  We are very thankful that the pre-exams went very well. Able, below, finished #1 out of 300 students taking 7th grade pre-exams! He was even competing with the wealthier kids at other private schools. In fact, 7 of the Top 10 scores were Lifesong kids!"


Parades & Projects - Lifesong Honduras

We invite you to share a word of encouragement to our staff at Lifesong Honduras. To do so, please reply to this email or comment on our Facebook wall and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support! 

Please enjoy this update from Tree of Life/Lifesong Honduras...

"September marked the final stretch of the school year at Plan Escalon.  As the month started everyone busy with exams and then prepared for their last visit home before the final marking period.  Their final responsibility before leaving was to participate in the Independence Day Parade.    


The students and marching band were diligent in practicing their marching skills and songs days before the Parade. The honor students marched together wearing ribbons, a group of young ladies wore the names of each of the countries 'districts', and yet another group dressed in the culture's dance attire and performed the recognized national dance.   

Near the front of the line were the senior students dressed in their internship business suits.  These same seniors were also preparing to complete their career internship requirements for graduation, which began the following week. 


This month has also been the ground breaking of our newest building project.  It is exciting to report that construction of the Multi-Purpose Building is underway!  The ground was leveled as truck after truck moved the dirt to other locations on campus. Ditches are now being excavated to create the foundation and constructing the re-rod columns that will be strategically placed.  And the race with time and the calendar is underway!"  

Adding Fun into School Days - Lifesong Liberia

We invite you to share a word of encouragement to our staff at Lifesong Liberia. To do so, please comment on the blog or on our Facebook wall and it will be forwarded to our staff. Thank you in advance for your kind words of support!  

Keith & Kay Knapp, Lifesong Liberia liaisons, share updates from Liberia:

"Thanks to a grant from RetailROI, the kids at the Master's Homes of Champions have something new to do.  You can hear laughter and squeals of joy as the jungle gyms, sliding boards, swings and teeter-totters are filled with children.  The residents of the homes, as well as school children from surrounding communities, are having a great time enjoying their new equipment. 


School began again this month, and all 86 of our children received new uniforms.  Another exciting development is that we will begin some instruction in computers at the Rehab location.  Our schools are full, as many families from the communities are sending their children, and placing a high value on education.  We are thankful for this opportunity to bless others.  Please pray that the students would be attentive and diligent in their studies.


We extend our gratitude for your faithful support of the work in Liberia!"


Tear Down That Tent!! - Lifesong Honduras

It's official! The 'extreme makeover' has begun for Tree of Life/Lifesong Honduras' new Multi-Purpose Building! This new building will be used as the primary assembly space, dining hall as well as gymnasium for our 550 students and staff.

Our staff in-country are diligently posting day-by-day updates of the construction progress and we invite you to join in the journey! Simply click here to keep track of Lifesong Honduras' new makeover and look for updates on Lifesong's Facebook Page.

We hope that you will join us in prayer for the safety of the workers, wisdom of the staff, and the future impact this project will have on our students! 

The progress so far...  

 Last worship service in the tent 

The tent coming down  

Old foundation removed

New space beginning to form!

For more day-to-day here.