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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in kids caring for kids (7)


Zambia Testimonials & Round FOUR!

This summer has provided an abundance of visitors at Lifesong School in Zambia.  From mission trips to individual volunteers donating their time, our kids have been blessed by the loving presence of some stellar people!

Two of these visitors share their perspective from visiting Lifesong Zambia:

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

After spending even the smallest amount of time at Lifesong School in Zambia, it’s easy to understand the heart of Jesus as those words left his mouth.

The enthusiasm at Lifesong is contagious; from the oldest in Grade 5 to the smallest in the baby class.  Their smiles made teaching VBS lessons and skits for the week not only easy, but also rewarding. 



My time in Zambia has changed me forever.  To see what Lifesong is doing not only in the kids’ lives but also the parents as well was really amazing. By bringing in new parents every 3 months to work at the farm or at the school, Lifesong is giving the parents an opportunity… not only to hear the Gospel in Bible studies, but also to SEE it in the way David, Luke, Lucy, Albertina, and the other teachers live out Christ on a daily basis. 


In theme with Lifesong Zambia, this week marks our 4th and final Classy Competition (don't know what this is? click HERE The Classy Awards has named Kids Caring 4 Kids as a possible winner for 2 awards, the funds from which would go directly towards serving our kids in Zambia!

So on that note, get ready because starting tonight at midnight and ending tomorrow night at 11:59pm you will have the chance to win a lovely work of art, created by our students in Zambia!

Last week our winners were Kim Kellenberger and Janiece Schoening Wieschhaus!  These ladies both won Go-Packs from Gobena Coffee AND a chance to win at our GRAND PRIZE... aFREE trip for two to Arizona and the Together for Adoption Conference! (find out more about this conference HERE)

This week the format will be the same.  Simply vote for Kids Caring 4 Kids HERE in categories:

Small Charity of the Year


Most Creative Fundraiser by a Charity

(make sure you click the SUBMIT MY VOTES button or your votes won't count!)


-YOU vote for Kids Caring 4 Kids

-ASK your friends to vote for Kids Caring 4 Kids

-ASK your friends to enter you into our drawing by posting YOUR name on OUR facebook wall (or comment on THIS post)

You will be entered in our drawing for every friend that votes increasing your chances to WIN!

Questions, comments, or concerns?  Email


Classy Competition part 2

Alright, folks, it's time to talk about round 2 of our Classy Competition!  (if you don't know what this is click HERE)

Last week our winners were Allison Heinkekamp and Beth Carey Tysdal!  These ladies both won a copy of "Orphanology" the book AND a chance to win at our GRAND PRIZE... a FREE trip for two to Arizona and the Together for Adoption Conference! (find out more about this conference HERE)

This week the format will be the same.  Simply vote for Kids Caring 4 Kids HERE in categories:

Small Charity of the Year


Most Creative Fundraiser by a Charity

(make sure you click the SUBMIT MY VOTES button or your votes won't count!)


-YOU vote for Kids Caring 4 Kids

-ASK your friends to vote for Kids Caring 4 Kids

-ASK your friends to enter you into our drawing by posting YOUR name on OUR facebook wall (or comment on THIS post)

You will be entered in our drawing for every friend that votes and get a chance to win...

a Lifesong T-shirt! (look how EXCITED Leah and I are about wearing our Lifesong tees!  YOU could be this excited too!)

AND you will also be entered in our final drawing for the Grand Prize!

Once again there will be 2 winners and once again your votes will count from midnight tonight (12am Wednesday morning to be precise) to 11:59pm Wednesday night!  (Note* you can vote at anytime but only votes made within this time frame will count for THIS drawing)

Your votes matter!  They matter to help us continue serving kids like Veronica, one of our Lifesong students in Zambia.

Vote for a chance to win!  Win for you AND a child!


Questions, comments, or concerns?  Email



Making it Classy with some BIG prizes!

What happens when a teenager becomes passionate about helping kids serve other kids in desperate situations? In Kendall Ciesemier's case, a new ministry is born!  Kids Caring 4 Kids has become an inspiring real life example of 1 Timothy 4:12.

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity."


At Lifesong for Orphans we are so thankful to have them as a partner with our Lifesong School in Zambia.

But do you want to know some really exciting news?

Out of 5,000+ nominees, KC4K is a finalist for not 1 but 2 Classy Awards!

The prize for each award is $15,000!  That's a possibility of $30,000 that would ALL go towards serving our children in Zambia!


So in the hope of staying Classy, we are hosting a little awards competition of our own!

Here's how it works:

KC4K is in the final round to win the Classy Awards.  They are nominated for:

Small Charity of the Year


Most Creative Fundraiser

In order to win they need the most public votes between now and August 28.  This means we need YOU... and your friends and families and coworkers and the people that you pass on the street to vote!


This is what you do... every WEDNESDAY through this month of August, between 12am - 11:59pm find as many friends as you can to vote for KC4K HERE

Once you're on the CLASSY AWARDS website look under CHARITY CATEGORIES and click on:

1. SMALL CHARITY OF THE YEAR and then click the VOTE button for Kids Caring 4 Kids


2. MOST CREATIVE FUNDRAISER BY A CHARITY and then click the VOTE button for Kids Caring 4 Kids (and make sure to click SUMBIT MY BALLOT or your vote WON'T COUNT!)

once you and your friends have voted for BOTH awards go to our facebook page and tell us you voted!

Every week we will draw 2 NAMES from those who have voted... the names drawn will receive a prize and will also be entered in our GRAND PRIZE drawing which will take place at the end of the month.

The more friends you get to vote the more times your name will be entered in the drawing.  Simply have them post on our facebook wall:

I voted for your name!"

If your friends don't have facebook they can leave a comment on THIS POST.

Each person can only vote ONE TIME and you can vote anytime but only votes entered on a Wednesday will be entered in the drawings.

This week's prize will be a new copy of Orphanology (click HERE to find out more about this book!)

Oh!  And would you like to know what the GRAND PRIZE will be?

We will be providing 2 tickets to the Together for Adoption conference in Phoenix, AZ this October 21-22!

Oh, but it's doesn't end there!  We will also pay for a one night stay in a hotel AND airfare for two!!

Starting at midnight tonight we will be counting all votes and will announce the winner of the Orphanology book on Thursday.  The Grand Prize will be announced the week following the close of the entire competition.

So... get voting! 

And if you have any questions, comments, or concerns email



Just Dance

Dance for Food

Dance for Education

Dance for a Child

Dance for Lifesong

Check out more on how Kids Caring 4 Kids is using dancing to raise money for children at Lifesong School in Zambia HERE


Let's Do the Twist

We've talked before about Kids Caring 4 Kids and their Dance 4 Lifesong fundraiser. (don't know what I'm talking about? click here to find out)

I love this idea.  What do you think?

If dancing isn't your thing, what are some other kinds of marathon fundraisers your kids could do?

Here's some ideas we had:

1. Have a movie night and charge for admittance and popcorn. (not a marathon, but still FUN)

2. Host a 5 hour game night and require that at least one person must be jumping rope (or hula-hooping if your really daring) at all times during the event. 

3. Bible-bowl! (any Adventures in Odyssey fans out there?) Have a Bible trivia competition.  Competitors can get sponsors and you can charge admittance. (that's what we like to call a double-whammy)

What are your ideas?  Or if you've held a Dance 4 Lifesong event, how did it go?  We'd love to hear from you!

Also, don't forget to comment on Christi's post yesterday for a chance to win a free t-shirt!  The deadline is by the end of this Friday.