We recently received the following note from Paul and Melissa Barth -
Dear Lifesong family,
I wanted to share an update and a picture of our daughter Ellie. Ellie was adopted in 2005 largely with help from an adoption grant through Lifesong. She has cerebral palsy and was just able to crawl on her stomach at the age of three when she joined our family. Recently she took her first steps (while holding onto the furniture) unaided by anyone else. The joy and pride she took in that accomplishment was even bigger than her grin.
I thought of Lifesong last spring when Ellie prayed with me asking Christ to be the center of her heart. Her passionate "I LOVE you God" were the most beautiful words I've heard. Thank you again for the gift of my child and for saying yes to God's call to help those who are helpless."
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