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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in interest free loans (3)



The Big Build from Lifesong for Orphans on Vimeo.

Both Hands, in partnership with Lifesong for Orphans is excited to give you a glimpse into the 1st Annual Big Build project!

Debbie's FamilyThe Project took place on 3/20/10 is the first annual fundraiser by Both Hands Foundation. Our goal is to raise $50,000.  That money will be used in three ways –

  1. Adoption funding (grants and loans)
  2. Orphan Care projects
  3. We have a generous philanthropist who has agreed to match whatever we raise, dollar for dollar. In other words, all the money raised will go towards adoptions and orphan care and the operating expenses of Both Hands will be covered by the matching funds.

We are currently at $45,668.19 and invite you to be a part of this awesome opportunity. You get two for the price of one!!  Think big!!


Need a last minute year end giving idea? 


Church Adoption Fund Webinar

Are you considering starting an adoption fund at your church?
Is God stirring in your heart to take the next step toward engaging your local body of believers?

The webinar will include:

  • An overview of the Lifesong Church Adoption Fund concept.
  • Lifesong partnership with churches and solutions to overcome "Common Barriers".
  • Personal testimony/experience from Irving Bible Church / Tapestry Ministryof how Lifesong has partnered with his church and ministry, including obstacles he encountered.
  • Concerns churches often face when starting an adoption fund
  • Q&A- an open forum allowing you to ask your questions to Michael Monroe (Iriving Bible/Tapestry) and/or Lifesong staff

 Please join us for this opportunity to hear the heart of a ministry leader and adoptive parent.