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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in Lifesong (107)


Family Friday: meet James and Ellen

It's time for

Meet James and Ellen... and their MIGHTY clan!
4th row (yes, this family takes up 4 rows!): David, Ryan, James, Ellen
3rd row: Christy, Molly, Emily, Will, Kelly
2nd row: Amy, Kate
1st row: Meg, Ahna

Hello! (Ellen speaking)

James and I prayed for a year and a half wondering if the Lord wanted us to adopt again.  We had already adopted seven children and five had special needs including hearing impairments, cleft lips and palates, ADHD, and a learning disability.  By the world's standards, we had already done more than our share.

However, after learning about the plight of children in Russia, we decided to pursue a sibling group of two children.  Long story short, the Lord had other plans.   

Another agency told us about a group of five children.  Five children?  Did they think we were crazy?  But James asked me to request the pictures, so I did.  The children were beautiful, but there were so many of them!  In addition, the eldest boy had Dandy-Walker Syndrome resulting in water on the brain.

Our process to adopt these kids was difficult from the beginning.  One of the boys wanted us to adopt him, but was afraid of America.  He asked us to move to Russia.  Though we couldn't do that we fought to adopt him, but the courts denied our request.   We knew, however, that God was the advocate for all of us, so we continued with the adoption of the other four.

Our adoptions became finalized six days before adoptions ended in Russia.  I ended up traveling to Russia alone, not knowing the language, and in an extremely frightening environment.   It wasn't a good situation.  The little girls also struggled with a lot of anger and would hit and kick me every chance they could.  It was an extremely difficult time and I couldn't wait to get home.

A few months after bringing the children home, our new son required emergency brain surgery for a failed shunt.  He should have gone blind, been paralyzed, or died.  But he didn't.  The Lord spared his life.  

Our great God provided a future and hope through the donations that you provided.  We were totally out of money and had no idea how we could have ever found $100,000.00 to pay for the expenses. 

We still have loans to pay off, but without your generosity, there would have been four more children dumped onto the streets of Russia. 

Together, we snatched children out of the hand of the enemy.  To God be the glory!!!"

Wow!  James and Ellen, you guys are amazing!  The journey you have chosen has not been easy, and I'm sure there will continue to be some great challenges in the future, but praise the Lord for His faithfulness and thank you for your obedience to His calling!  The staff here at Lifesong is blessed to be a part of your story!


Big Build in Nashville, TN


It was an amazing experience to serve Dorsell, a widow and family in need, with our newly adopted children by our side.  It was James 1:27 brought to life for the Bojar family!"

Jim Bojar, volunteer

On April 16th, a group got together in Nashville, TN, along with founder, JT Olson and his wife, Sara, to serve Dorsell, a local widow.  Through this project not only was Dorsell served by the hands and feet of Jesus, but the money raised will go directly to serving orphans, whether it be through indigenous orphan care or helping families adopt!  Check out their video, or go here to find out more.



Meet Victor

Well, it's day 10 of our blitz and we have a long way to go  to make our goal.  We have 40.5 commitments... can we get 59 commitments today?  It seems impossible... but we know that God can do great things.  

We've seen Him do it this week!  

We've seen it in people giving their best gifts.  

We've seen it in the stories we've received of families eating tortillas in honor of our kids in Honduras. (by the way, we'd love to hear more!  Tell us about your Tortilla Tuesday experience HERE)  

We know that God is at work, and pray that He will continue to move today

Yesterday we talked about the difference Lifesong Honduras is making.  Today we get to hear a personal testimony of this difference made in one Escalon graduate, Victor Rodas:

The reality is that without your support stories like Victor's... stories like Edgar's and Tania's and Edmund's would cease to exist.  

We have till the end of today.  Can we reach our goal?

Contact us at to make your commitment!  

Your donation will be doubled thanks to a gracious giver!


Counting Shoes

Edmund is just one example of many who have been helped by Lifesong Honduras, and are now giving back.  I love how he obviously cares for these kids and even gives what little he has away so they can have shoes!  What a great example.

Here’s a question for you… How many pairs of shoes do you have? 

Me? I have somewhere in the 30’s… (eek!)

The kids at Lifesong Honduras have one pair each… sometimes two (a pair of boots to serve in).  Wow.

This Saturday join us for Shoe Saturday.  Simply count your shoes… and get your kids in on it too.  Have them count theirs.  And then tell them about the children in Honduras.  Tell them about Edmund who sacrifices his own money so children in the village can have something on their feet.  Then as a family pray.  Thank God for His faithfulness and His blessings on your family.  Thank Him for raising up men and women and children in Honduras to care for the poor, the orphaned, the vulnerable.  Ask Him to continue to provide and watch over them.  Ask Him raise up supporters so Lifesong can continue to serve in Honduras.  

We are reaching for a goal:


Please pray that we can reach this goal?   Maybe God wants to use you?  Will you prayerfully consider joining us?

Maybe you can't give $30 a month... Maybe you can give more.  Today we want to encourage you to give your best!

One commitment we've received was a one time gift... Another commitment was matched by the donor's employer... meaning his gift has now quadrupled!  We are so excited to see people rise up and give what they can!  

Thank you to those who have committed so far.  

We have 15.5 commitments.

Can we make 100?  

We have 7 days... 84.5 commitments to go.  

With your help we can do it!


Lifesong Ethiopia Update

Please enjoy this update from Lifesong Ethiopia:

  • Christmas was celebrated on Jan. 7 with a special program, which included singing carols, a message from an evangelist and a drama of the Christmas story starring some of the older students.  Since many of our students come from Muslim or atheist homes this is a great opportunity to share Christ.
  • Recently 4 American volunteer nurses came to check all 430 of our students.
    • Because of this examination, 7 year-old Abdisa was taken to the local hospital and we found out she has a heart concern.  Now she can get the attention she needs.  Her mother, a young widow, is one of the school's cooks.
  • Dr. Bryan Stoller, an optometrist, also came to check vision and hand out glasses.
  • We also have a prayer request for a girl named Marion that is 14 years old.  She was sexually assaulted and became pregnant.  Her mother is widowed and HIV positive.  As a student at the Lifesong, Marion receives special care and hopefully she will continue her education after her baby is delivered.

"Hopeless life situations can be turned around because of the love of Jesus." ~Peggy Ifft, Lifesong Ethiopia



Thank you for continued prayer and support as we strive to bring joy and purpose to orphans.