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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in both hands foundation (12)


What could YOU do in ONE day?


Would your church youth group or college campus ministry be willing to spend ONE day to live out James 1:27...literally? 

Knowing that God is already at work in your church or campus ministry, Both Hands Foundation & Lifesong for Orphans invite you to roll up your sleeves (and maybe get your hands dirty!) by creatively serving the widow and the orphan at the same time!

Colorado Big Build--volunteers form Ellerslie Bible College 

Students + Widows = Orphan Care   

To find out how your youth group or college campus ministry can get involved, please contact Keith McAfee ( or 423.402.0248) or Rich Metcalfe ( or 309.747.4528).


Thank you from Both Hands Widow...

Please enjoy this "Thank You" message from Sharon, the widow who was served last month through a Big Build Both Hands project in memory of Ty Osman II.!

That is all I can say at the moment, but I must forge through. I am very overwhelmed. I want everyone to know what is in my heart. Thank you so very much for the love and support you showed me in my time of need.

My dear husband died on August 28, 2011 and it was a great loss. Every day I miss him, in small ways as well as major ways. The work you have carried out I can never repay. I really didn't think it was going to be as extensive as it was. I thought to myself that some people would be sitting around picking at their folded hands until it was time to leave. Man! Was I wrong!  I am by myself a lot but I try to do the best I can. I am sure people keep me in their thoughts and are just busy.... but what you've showed was, all were strangers to me, that are now true friends to me, they love the Lord deeply, love people, therefore they love, whether it is through donations, volunteering, or any help. All work... to the glory of the Lord. All the people, the food, the fellowship, the work, photography, the gas that was used, the extra items that were purchased, the hugs, the encouraging words, the moments of concern shown to me on my behalf, the prayers, the news on television, the web site, the newspapers, as well as the children that all of this will help, certainly give the up most glory to the Sovereign Lord God Almighty.

Thanks...for choosing me for your project. Thank you for going the extra miles when you didn't have to. Thank you for helping the widows and children. Thank you for the overwhelming love, encouragement, heartfelt prayers and support that I feel from you, and your organization. Even thanks to the ministries that work with you, that do extra services. You have given me a new lease on life, a new hope, and strength to walk on.....forward.

May Our Father receive the glory in our daily walks with him. To God be the glory.

Sharon P.  

To learn more about Both Hands Foundation, please visit their website.


Both Hands: Beautiful Things...

Excited to share with you another Both Hands Project! Check it out....

Want to know more? Visit the Both Hands Foundation website to see how YOU can live out James 1:27!


James 1:27...literally


"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you." James 1:27

It is our joy to partner with Both Hands Foundation to create an avenue for adoptive families, churches, and youth groups to live out James 1:27 in a very literal way.  By working on a widow's home, these individuals raise funds through Lifesong to bring an adopted child home or to partner in one our orphan care country initiatives.

Excited to share with you another example of what James 1:27 can look like through Josh & Kathryn's project they headed up to raise funds to bring their two children home from Ethiopia.  

(filmed & produced by Matt Wilson)

Want to know more? Visit the Both Hands Foundation website to see how YOU can live out James 1:27!


Both Hands in the News!

 Both Hands Reaches Great Milestones!


149 orphans served!

137 widows served! 

Over 3000 volunteers!

106 families served! only 3 years!!

Message from the Founder:

What would it feel like if your favorite professional football team, basketball team, and baseball team, as well as your college team….all won their respective championships…on the same day!!  Take a minute, close your eyes, and imagine that.
That’s how I feel with Both Hands hitting all these milestones in one month. If you’re reading this, you were one of the many who helped make it happen and I’m so grateful for your obedience.  Too many to name…over 3,000!...just stand with me in awe of the King!

-JT Olson


Both Hands 100th Project
in Smyrna, TN!

Jason and Kelly Stewart's project was featured in two local newspapers. Their story and video is powerful! Grab a box of tissues and click here to see their video.  

Featured Project: The Zuzunaga Family   

“It really was a great experience as we were able to share God's love for this really needy woman.  I am so amazed at all that God has done during our adoption process, including the Both Hands project....  

              ...Because we chose to answer God's call to adopt, He has also given us the opportunity to minister to other people, including Louise, who we might otherwise, not have met.  We serve a really BIG God and I'm so glad He can see the BIG picture because mine is definitely too narrow."

-Luis & Gentry Zuzunaga

Santa Barbara, California


Both Hands Hires First Full-Time Employee!


Aimee Hawtrey joined the Both Hands team as the Operations Manager at the beginning of August.  

"I am so excited to be part of the Both Hands team working together with Lifesong! What an amazing opportunity to practice pure religion- assisting the orphans and widows- on a daily basis. God is so good to have opened the doors for me to join this mission."

-Aimee Hawtrey 




Click HERE to GIVE to Both Hands Foundation!