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Andy and Jill Lehman family

Entries in LOCI (2)


Pure religion in a picture...

Josh and Jenn recently brought home their two darling children from Ethiopia.  Lifesong was blessed to be able to partner with them along with the Louisville Orphan Care Initiative in providing them with a matching grant.

Take a glance with us into their lives as they live out James 1:27 in a very real and active way...

The Lord has given us the privilege of developing a relationship over the last few years with a 93 year old widow at our church named Geneva. I visit Geneva every other week at her home, and we pray at the end of our time together. I've often been struck by the beauty of her prayers for our children, and thought at those times about how God's Word tells us that He cares for the widows and the orphans. It's especially sweet for me to be part of seeing a widow care for orphans too!


Thanks Josh & Jenn for being a pure picture of the gospel to the world...we pray that those that see your life will see the light of Jesus and be drawn in by His love. 


Immanuel Baptist | Church Fund Partner

Immanuel Baptist Church in Louisville, KY recently joined Lifesong by creating a church adoption fund.

In July, Immanuel Baptist decided to emphasize adoption, by preaching on the topic three weeks in a row! They focused on the vision for adoption, theology of adoption, and orphan care from James 1:27. During this time, they also had an adoption fair where they raised money for their Lifesong adoption fund and had 30 families commit to adopting during their campaign. The time concluded with a question and answer session with foster parents and adoptive families.

IBC has an abundance mentality and have expanding their orphan care ministry further than assisting families financially. The Louisville Orphan Care Initiative (LOCI) team attended these events and felt led to form a relationship with the IBC ministry team. After getting to know the team, LOCI decided to assist in this kick-off by making a donation to their adoption fund.

We feel so blessed to be a part of stories like this! To Him be the glory!