the GRANDchildren of God

Roger and Beth are a retired couple near Orlando, FL who felt "there was something more we should be doing". Over the last 2 years they have become Orphan Advocates for the orphaned and vulnerable children in Ukraine...whom they call the GRAND-children of God!
They have traveled to Ukraine 4 times since May 2007 serving the children in Chernigov, Ukraine - having recently launched the Rogoziv Family Home and partnering with Lifesong for Orphans to create a Christian children's center.
We call this project the room of "Hope and Trust" where this facility will be used for devotional time, worship, one-on-one counseling, educational activities, etc.
Isn't it awesome to see Roger and Beth use their time, talent, and treasure for an eternal purpose?!
Below is a window into their hearts, as they describe the Chernigov project they are leading on behalf of Lifesong... (full story)
Simply stated, our time, energies, finances and prayers devoted to Ukraine are for the purpose of seeing God's Kingdom grow many cases our hearts were torn when we learned they have been deprived of basic humanitarian needs.
Lifesong for Orphans have clearly demonstrated a sustained program within an orphanage in conjunction with a local church can have a decided impacton helping orphans gain purpose and promise in their lives.
Lifesong has been able to mobilize concerned Ukrainian Christians who understand and have been trained to deal with underlying emotional and physiological issues...
Watch Roger & Beth's story of how they got involved
Reader Comments (3)
Orphan care really is about the entire Body of Christ!!!! For a time I have felt the pull for the youth to enter into the love of the orphan, but, reading this just makes me smile, too!!!! Love this post!!! There is much to be done and so many who can do it!!!
Thanks for your amazing efforts...
You are exactly right in that it takes the entire Body of Christ!
Have you seen any good examples of how youth have been actively engaged for orphans? I would love to know about it...
Hi Andy,
I know that Shaohannah's Hope went to China this past summer with a group of teens and young adults. I just popped onto their site, as they did have a brielf update on there for a while, it may still be there, but, I did not see it. However, they do have a new missions trip planned for 15 to 25 years of age range in 2009. I loved the thought of the teens experiencing being the Hands and Feet of Jesus and being able to get into the orphanages and love the orphan!!!
Members from SH were on the trip, and, I'm sure would be happy to share with you how the journey went!!! From the pictures they had posted, I believe it to not have only been life changing for the orphans, but, for those who went on the missions trip, too!!! :)
Check out the Show Hope site....