Now this is living out James 1:27

What a picture of God at work...and a godly man following His lead...
Lifesong India from Lifesong on Vimeo.
The founder of what is now Lifesong-India is a man by the name of Bob Stoll. Bob is an American Christian whose wife died of cancer over 30 years ago. God used this brokenness and time in his life to draw him to do mission work in India. On his first trip to India, Bob spent 3 months in India, living in thatched roof homes and used an ox cart as a bed....but ultimately for the purpose of rebuilding a church that had been burnt down.
On this same trip, he met a widow woman, Siromani, who had just lost her husband to premature death as well. Siromani was struggling to provide the food, clothing and shelter for her two small sons, Sam & Chitty.
Bob raised the funds and built a small children's home, where he provided basic needs for Sam & Chitty - shelter, food, clothing, and a semblance of a home.
On Bob's next trip to India a year later, Bob felt the direction of the Lord to marry Siromani, and he stepped out in faith to propose to her. They soon married and the new family moved to the US. Sam has since become a medical doctor in West Virginia.
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world ~~ James 1:27
Over the last 30 years since, Bob & Siromani have faithfully served over 2,000 orphaned and vulnerable children through 6 different children's homes. Bob has lived the James 1:27 scripture in more ways than most of us have, or ever will...
loving and adopting the fatherless...and caring for, embracing, and marrying a widow
(l-r: Siromani, Sam and Bob (visiting Lifesong offices in Gridley, IL)
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