Travor and Haley's gift - $5.67

Recently I found this note and $5.67 on the kitchen counter from my two oldest kids Travor and Haley...
So that's exactly what we will do - help fund an Adoption Grant/Loan with it!
So cool to watch my kids "get it" - a little glimpse into how they might begin to be thinking outside of themselves...
Reader Comments (5)
Hi Andy,
Sweet, sweet letter from your children...His children!!!! And, you were wondering how to get the youth more involved:) !!!!
Thanks for sharing and a blessed Christmas to your family!!!
@ Diane - yeah...sometimes they get it quicker than even us adults do sometimes! Thanks for your family's friendship and encouragement!
So cool!
Good job must be proud.
@ Becky and @ Michael - It is cool...and I'm thankful that despite my inconsistencies my kids are picking up a little piece of the Kingdom perspective...