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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Authentic Gratitude

We received this note today from Scott Hasenbalg, executive director of Show Hope -

Friends – 

First, a Happy Thanksgiving to each of you.  Last week, Kerry and I spoke at Focus on the Family Chapel and shared our journey over the last couple of years with the message of finding God in the valley and why we should carry AUTHENTIC GRATITUDE heading into this holiday season – “BECAUSE OF ANOTHER”.  Gratitude is birthed when we realize our need for another and regardless of your personal trial or suffering, we have a lot to be grateful for because of the work done on Calvary by our savior Jesus Christ.  May you be blessed this holiday season. 

As you begin to relax from a day of family engagements, don’t forget to tune in to CNN at 8pm EST as SCC was taped with Larry King 10 days ago as one of the “Hero’s” of the year as a touchback from his families live interview 14 months ago.  Other guests scheduled to appear are Tyra Banks, Mariah Carey, Ben Stiller and more. 

Also, there is an interview posted online:  click here.


Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we together CHANGE lives of our world’s most vulnerable children.  I am GRATEFUL for you.

By His Grace ONLY,



Are you carrying AUTHENTIC GRATITUDE into this holiday season?

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