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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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the Widow & the Orphan | Both Hands

You've probably heard the often quoted Bible verse that refers to orphans - James 1:27

"pure religion... is to visit the widows and orphans in their distress..."

We often talk about the "orphan" side of that verse, but less frequently address the "widow" side of that verse.


A friend of mine, JT Olson, recently developed a creative way to help BOTH the orphan & the widow.

Both Hands Foundation helps adoptive families raise money to fund an adoption at the same time as renovating a widow's home - awesome concept!

Check it out...

Both Hands-Meyers from Bill Kersey on Vimeo.


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Reader Comments (2)

It's amazing what a group of folks can do to meet needs when we get focused. I love to see it in action.

May 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterYvonne Lehman

This is awesome! I have often been troubled by the same thing....we use it for orphans, but what about the widows! We are trying to hire widows for our staff in Africa, but what about here...and this is an amazing way to do both! Thanks for sharing!

May 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterHollyAnn

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