Lifesong Honduras Update

From Guy, director of Lifesong Honduras -
“Every year, after consideration and prayer, I come up with a theme or saying that will help further establish the ministry’s vision in the leaders, staff and student body over the year. We are launching this year focused on the realization that in order for the Gospel of Christ to change this nation, the 76 leaders and staff need to have a personal “revolution” in their lives, creating the snowball effect of the ministry encountering its “revolution”, which in turn will effect the lives of the students and create a “spiritual revolution” through the country of Honduras. In every historical turn of events in any given country, whether good or bad, these events began with a revolution. I believe that this same attitude can and will overtake us this year and create a “revolution”. With this said, this year’s focus statement is, “I Am the Revolution of Christ to My Nation!”
As you receive this report some 260 new students are arriving on campus for the two-week Introductory Course and if all of them pass this introductory course we will have a record high of 530 students total for the year, which is around 50 more than we have had in years past. Obviously, we will be faced with overcrowding challenges and potential budget issues, but rather than being discouraged by this we chose to see it as “blessing” and are encouraged in what God is doing.
Even with the past years political upheaval, I am proud to say that here at Plan Escalon, we did not miss one day of classes. Our students continued to receive their education and are now way ahead of those from other institutions.
The addition of the third floor continues to make progress. We are in the middle of adding the ceiling beams and roofing tin. The school year will need to begin with the new 7a.m. to 3 p.m. schedule, as planned, albeit without doors, windows, lighting or paint on the walls, but all of these are things that can be finished as the year progresses and financing allows for it.
As the last topic of interest, I was recently informed that six orphans were discovered living in the mountain village of Agua Buena. With the help of some of our church families in the area, who were willing to take them into their own homes, we have been blessed to help these individual families by providing them with the financial help required for each orphans daily needs and expenses.
This year will be a year full of many new dynamics, but more importantly, it promises to be a year full of many positive changes!”
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