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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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What can 250 kids in central CA do in 1 week?

Last week, Trinity Pres in Clovis, CA had their annual Vacation Bible School and decided to partner with Lifesong to raise money for the children in Ziway, Ethiopia.

Our friend Candice summarizes the week on her blog.

"Each day I would give the kids a scenario of what life is like in Ethiopia, show pictures on the screen and then introduce our prayer points for the day. They got cards to take home and show their parents and learned ways that they could be in prayer for the children in Ziway. Thursday night we showed the Ethiopia video and it touched many who were there. The kids really get into these mission projects and I am constantly amazed at how HUGE their hearts are for the orphans and less fortunate children. These young ones do SO much more in one week to serve the Lord than some adults do in a year!

They did everything from lemonade and kool-aid stands, to making bracelets, passing out baby bottles to fill up, painting rocks, baking cookies, and even selling frogs!"

"There were around 250 children last week bringing in their pennies, nickels and dimes to make a difference for the Kingdom of God- having complete faith that the Lord would provide the funds. And can you imagine being there on Friday morning- hearing all of their excited voices and seeing their little faces light up when they heard the total amount brought in... $4,700 for the children in Ethiopia!!!  This was enough to build an entire playground structure as well as an additional $1,200 for the children's school supplies such as desks, uniforms, books, etc. Our amazing God did that! These children truly have missionary hearts and I seriously cannot wait to see how the Lord will continue to use them throughout their young lives." 

Thank you Candice! Thank you Trinity Pres! We are amazed at how God moves hearts, including the hearts of these young children & pray that their hearts are captivated by His heart for the fatherless!

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