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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Family Friday...

We are excited to give you a glimpse into the Stum family's Both Hands project from last fall while they raised funds for their adoption AND served a widow...Check out their video!


Both Hands - Stums from Jake Stum on Vimeo.


 I get all weepy seeing this video again. I have to say, though, that while we are thankful for every dollar the project raised for our adoption, the very best thing about it was our widow accepting Christ. In the midst of reorganizing a room she had not touched since her husband passed, a volunteer simply asked her.  She said yes. Isn't that amazing!?!"

-Merica Stum


 Yes! That is amazing! Thank you so much Jake & Merica for allowing Lifesong/Both Hands be apart of your adoption story and ultimately the story of HIS glory! To read more about their project check out there and here.

To hear and see other stories like the Stum's, visit Both Hands & Lifesong for Orphans.

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