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Andy and Jill Lehman family
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Recently, 14 year-old Addisyn had the chance to travel to Ethiopia to pick up her newly adopted sister, Havyn. This amazing opportunity left her with a new found vision and desire to serve in a way few teenagers understand.

My favorite part of being in Ethiopia was getting to spend the day with missionaries Gary and Peggy Ifft. Gary took us to Adami Tulu Preschool in Ziway, Ethiopia and I am pretty sure I left a piece of my heart there. 

I knew that I couldn't return home and go on with my life the way it had been. I couldn't open my closet door and see 12 pairs of shoes in there without thinking about those left behind with none. I couldn't go into the mall with friends and spend $15 on yet another t-shirt knowing that $15 would have fed 5 children at the preschool for a month. I couldn't just be a regular American teenage girl anymore- I was different.  And different, I am realizing, is a good thing.

If you would like to read more check out her family's blog here!

Thank you, Addisyn, for your servant heart and passion for a work that is at the very heart of our Father in Heaven!

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Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work. (David Grayson, American journalkist)
Post by Air Jordan shoes

August 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAir Jordan shoes

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